Those first steps taken- knowing that the world open for one to explore doesn't always happen as a young puppy. Confined in cages, sometimes physical, sometimes emotional, and sometimes both, can be a life that is known all too well by all too many companion pets. But the experience of seeing a rescue be released from a life of breeding or making someone else’s best offered price becomes priceless- especially when they are so inclined to walk towards you instead of cowering away in fear. Bennett is a 4 year old stunning Merle Poodle. He was a breeder release that was from a breeder in Kansas who was retiring 45 of her dogs. Sadly, they never knew lives outside cages, never felt love, played with a toy, slept on a bed or inside a home prior to coming to us, so they are slowly experiencing so many new things. Bennett loves to observe and you can tell he enjoys what he sees as his tail is constantly wagging. How beautiful it is to know that Bennett was adopted?? !! He will get showered with attention and live in a home with another companion canine
Featured Animal Rescue: Rescue Warriors Corp
visit & like their FB page: Rescue Warriors Corp
© Ramon Nayar- ISO furry, a specialty of ISO Splash. All Rights Reserved.
Project Hearts4theHumane 2014- A pro bono effort created by ISO Furry Companion Pet Portraits. We are honored to have Two Bostons Pet Boutique and Autumn Green Animal Hospital be our 2014 sponsors for this charitable project. Please contact us if you would like to be also be involved in this effort