“Dusk from Above”
The spill of light on the Fox River’s path
Descends upstream with seasons in transition
As I took myself to a perfect position from above
To capture this juxtaposition of balance between
a myriad of thoughts
of what was gained, of what was lost
Yes, the light was leaving this sun-painted sky
just as the chlorophyll departs on this deciduous tree
that i’m orbiting around from what was found up here
and i’m losing myself to the tranquility of it all
as these days become cooler-
as the leaves begin to fall
with this dusk from above…
© ISO Splash - Ramon Nayar. All Rights Reserved. Ramon is an internationally commissioned, Asian-American, cause-driven artist whose form of storytelling is done through digital photography and creative writing. Do these images inspire or add to your day? If so, do make them ‘share-worthy’ to lift up others. Like us on FB:www.facebook.com/ISOsplash