“In Autumn’s Absence”
A forest of trees vast in presence
hidden behind the venetian building blinds
Rustling in waiting further down each interstate
A melody to hear and then to contemplate
for in place of trunks remain skyscrapers
this strange city life that has many takers
with branches of illuminations
from both corporate and residential rooms
with the flux of varying populations
some coming, some going, some staying
activities including people watching
and people praying
and for all the western viewing metropolis
varying altitudes did not seem to matter
for a fall season’s color was carved this night
to stop and to stare, and to savor despite
a forest of trees vast in presence
hidden behind the venetian building blinds
© ISO Splash - Ramon Nayar. All Rights Reserved. Ramon is an internationally commissioned, Asian-American, cause-driven artist whose form of storytelling is done through digital photography and creative writing. Do these images inspire or add to your day? If so, do make them ‘share-worthy’ to lift up others. Like us on FB:www.facebook.com/ISOsplash