Like a Rainbow with No Sun
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Monday, October 20, 2014
By ramon nayar

“Like a Rainbow with No Sun”

To know 
Where the leaves go
That fall on these grounds
And land as rain drops do-
Random with those rustling sounds
Yet with deliberate purpose of asymmetry
With trunks that remain to be
So defined despite the wind 
raking these green transitions
And sending lose branches in flowing positions
Playing to this daydream I’m in
For it is only with awe to see
Colors never still and still dancing with me
As my eyes continue to question
Which path to follow-
A prepared trail or a sudden suggestion
For my pride to swallow 
Allowing me to view paired trunks
Leading my horizon a different way
Intended for the mind’s eye to only imagine
So perhaps I’ll simply stay
and just watch as if I knew
These lifeless bodies of vibrant colors
Running past my point of view
Like a rainbow with no sun
Do I see the only one
Which seems
So close
to me….
© ISO Splash - Ramon Nayar. All Rights Reserved. Do these images inspire or add to your day? If so, do make them ‘share-worthy’ to lift up others. Like us on





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