“Solace by the Shore”
I found solace by the shore where the sunset wanted more than just a glimpse of its final exhales and beacon of light. For it is the moments after that star lays down that a sky’s embers burn with different flavors that one may savor if he or she can learn the virtue of patience. The sounds of the waves danced with a rhythm that had me listening for the very ending of an ebb or the very beginning of a flow. The faint aroma of the gulf’s air kept me there- in this awareness that the falling leaves back home were calling me to return when I was ready. And, for the first time that evening, I felt the warmth change in harmony with whatever the hue was painting an ever expanding canvas of atmosphere. For this is where I found solace by the shore where the sunset wanted more than just a glimpse of its final exhales and beacon of light…
© ISO Splash - Ramon Nayar. All Rights Reserved. Ramon is an Asian-American, cause-driven artist whose form of storytelling is done through digital photography and creative writing. Do these images inspire or add to your day? If so, do make them ‘share-worthy’ to lift up others. Like us on FB:www.facebook.com/ISOsplash