Was there a mix of melancholy with grace that you would notice on my face if you saw me that day? Just as color seems so vibrant in the company of grey, and the road goes on and on with subtle rolling hills while those crops are watered with tears of compassion. And it wasn’t hard to make mention of the otherwise mundane trees that would shed more depth from the light which was absent up until now. I’d fancy this view even more if you’d answer your door just as the sun setting colors are knocking on those clouds to show the true beauty behind their endless textures. And here comes the clearing just from the east, and the breeze from the west felt so refreshing. I’ve been away for so long, searching for the meaning of things that don’t seem to have much meaning these days. And all I had to do was pull over and close my eyes, hearing your voice in a memory so vivid. How fond I’ve become to remember a summer season’s sentiments while winter still falls upon me. And when I saw this view while I thought of you, I knew it was time to come home soon…
© Ramon Nayar. All Rights Reserved.
ISO Splash. Words. Images. Storytelling.