Her Moment In Time
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Tuesday, August 12, 2014
By ramon nayar

What could be a better song to hear than to listen to what is perfectly clear when regarding this young lady? There is a blend of both beauty and intelligence- a harmony of diverse cultural roots that stems from her origins that can only feel pride from her accomplishments of hard work and dedication. The firm yet gentle hands hold this trumpet she has known to be her instrument since middle school. She has invested countless hours practicing and perfecting styles of jazz, orchestra, the disciplined march, and the free-spirited melodies that make music a close part of her personality. Graduating into another chapter in her life, she will look back and see her character traits that will continue to remain strong constants for all that will come to know her. There are reflections of ponderings we sometimes have the privilege to look back at and see- an expression that invites us to remember where we came from and how many loved ones continue to encourage us to do great things. Such is true for Tammy, for this her moment in time where music was known to be just a small and yet special part of her journey.
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