Posts with tag: "Yellowstone"
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
By ramon nayar

The painted memory of this place becomes my perspective to reflect on among the rapid thoughts that race through me just as the ripples on the river danced with shivers that I felt that day. But it was not because of the cold air mixed with intervals of temporary warmth traveling with the geysers greeting us on this September morning. I was alone with my competing thoughts fighting for focus and attention- similar to an unending cloudscape compelling the water to surface its presence with sound. And even the trees served as bystanders of nature’s elements- better to be brushed away with strokes of indifference yet a necessary reference to what stood before me. And each breath I took seemed to flow… sometimes in the shape of the passing fog, and other times the sky itself. My agitation came with each inhale of fresh air… because I was really there- present in a moment where my soul struggled to show itself if only for a brief moment- before my soul’s slumber that would only lead me to more dreams of this life waiting to be explored even more…
© ISO Splash – Ramon Nayar. All Rights Reserved. Do these images inspire or add to your day? If so, do make them ‘share-worthy’ to lift up others. Like us on


Tuesday, September 17, 2013
By ramon nayar

The darkness of the tree line stood out in the distance, with a dawn determined to greet me. Overcast clouds were parting like chain links being pulled apart by competing winds, with the sun serenading the landscape as a chorus of soothing moods. Days like these, in the absence or presence of thunderstorms, made me wonder why I left my umbrella opened and overhead even when the rain concluded. There is always the different downpour of light that follows any storm, and if I could just lower my umbrella of doubts a little sooner, then perhaps the joy of many more moments would never be missed. 

©Ramon Nayar- ISO Splash Photography & Design. Do these images inspire, uplift, or move you? Please share and like our ISO Splash